Welcome Lumen Radio to the CGNA Connected Network

Lumen Radio is the first-to-market company releasing a Wireless BACnet Mesh MS/TP solution.  

Lumen Radio’s Wireless BACnet MS/TP (W-BACnet) and Modbus RTU (W-Modbus) solution is the first of its kind! 

W-Modbus replaces the Modbus RTU cable with a reliable wireless mesh - it eliminates time-consuming installation planning, cabling, daisy-chaining and trouble-shooting.

The Lumen Radio solution is a plug-n-play, turn-key infrastructure extension wirelessly meshing devices replacing control cable runs between individual devices.  

The W-BACnet W-Modbus devices have identical performance, installation process, and functionality. The only difference is the bus protocol Modbus RTU vs. BACnet MS/TP.  

As a Vendor Partner, they are offering the following benefits to CGNA Members: 

  • Lumen Radio’s go-to-market strategy targeting North American integrators and building automation projects is to partner with VARs and Distributors. Lumen Radio will continue its direct-to-OEM business model but does not restrict distributors from selling to OEMs.

  • Virtual introductory workshop. On-site training is optional and provided to CGNA members who commit to offering Lumen Radio’s solution.

  • Virtual technical support.

  • All CGNA Members gain access to future Wireless BACnet & Modbus updates without additional financial commitment.


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